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SharkBase Reference Guide - APPENDIX A

The Compiler

Unlike most database management languages, which execute a program one command at a time, SharkBase compiles its programs - that is, it processes all the commands before it begins to execute them. The Sharkbase "run-time compiler" converts the programmer's text filke (the "program") into semi-standalone machine code. The run-time compiled program is more efficient and compact than a stand-alone executable since some of the backend machinery remains in the shark.exe file. Regardless, the result to the user is the same - a much small, faster user tool. There is another major bonus in that the compiler functions like a "make" file which verifies the syntax and code of your program before it's handed over to the end user. The advantage to the programmer is that endless numbers of small related programs can be compiled together into one large program in a single step. This is immensely convenient for the actual end-user.

Compiling is a major reason why SharkBase runs faster than other database languages. Most of the time, the compiler will be invisible to you. However, compilation presents some advantages and restrictions that are unique to SharkBase, and we’ll outline these in this appendix.

In practical terms, it's not actually necessary for the programmer to know the mechanics of how the compiler works. This section is included for technical types who may be curious about what's going on "under the covers", but it's not actually required to put the compiler to work.

A.1. What Happens at Compilation

Before a program can be executed, SharkBase must perform two tasks:

First, the program itself must be translated into compiled form. In compiling a program, SharkBase converts its commands into a code that is speedily executed by your computer. In command lines with macros (for example, variables coming from user input), only the command verb is coded; such lines are converted into SharkBase code later, when they are summoned by the program from the user, and then executed.

Why Not a COM or EXE File?

Many compilers for computer languages produce a single file with the COM or EXE extension; such files can be run without the compiler’s presence. Why doesn’t SharkBase produce such compiled programs?

Most compilers are made up of two parts. First is the compiler itself, the program that does the translation. Second is the subroutine library; most compiled commands make a number of calls to this library.

At compilation, the compiled program is "linked" with the library (or with the part that is needed).

SharkBase, by contrast, does not link the compiled porgram to a library, since SharkBase itself remains active throughout the execution phase and can act as the library itself.

This has three major advantages:

1. The compiled programs can be far smaller, since none of the library is attached to each of them.

2. It is far easier to develop the user's application a small step at a time, since adding functionality to any one program probably has no effect on those already completed.

3. SharkBase has the compiler present at all times to evaluate and resolve macros during runtime, since macros are left uncompiled during compile-time. (Whenever it encounters a macro in a running program, SharkBase accesses the compiler, translates the macro, then continues execution).

Second, Sharkbase has to prepare the computer’s memory in order to keep track of information that the program uses and manipulates. The state of this memory space at any given time is called the environment.

Sharkbase always compiles a program before executing it. If you run a program in its text (PRG) form, SharkBase compiles it on the spot. The PRG file on disk is unaffected: if the program fails, you can still edit (or debug it) as needed.

Compiled Programs

The COMPILE command translates a named file with the PRG extension (e.g. SAMPLE.PRG) to a compiled program with the same filename, but with the extension CPL (e.g. SAMPLE.CPL). This new, compiled file will load and begin execution more quickly. However, the compiled form in the CPL file can’t be edited directly. If you find an error in the program, edit the PRG file, then compile it again.

SharkBase always attempts to run the compiled version of a program first. It will find and run the PRG file only if it finds no compiled (.CPL) version on the disk.

You can also compile a list of programs; see the COMPILE command in the Shark Commands section. The action of compiling verifies that the programming in the PRG file is syntacticly correct. In essence, the compiler acts like a traditional "make" application. You can compile dozens of PRG programs in batches to ensure that your enterprise software is in order for the next day's business!

In some ways, compiling is a "dry run" of the program: the compiler opens and closes the named data files, creates all of the memory variables (but types and values are not attached), sets up internal tables (stacks) for nested command structures, and tests expressions for validity (for form, not for variable types). The errors found at this stage are called compile-time errors.

It's important to remember that compiling a program is not exactly the same as executing it; rather, it is the preparation for speedy execution. Certain types of errors do not appear at compile time. These errors are called run-time errors. Most often they involve variables of the wrong type. Compile-time errors are always reported by SharkBase at the "make" stage with the line number pointing to the error. Run-time errors report line numbers only if the line numbers are compiled into the program; this is accomplished with the SET LINE ON command (the default). This will usually be done at the development stage since the finished CPL file will be much larger because of the added line numbers.

To understand the effect of the compiler on programs, it helps to know something about how the compiler reads the text of a progam and about how Sharkbase manages memory - its environment.

A.2. SharkBase Environment

The term environment refers to the current arrangement of memory, SharkBase’s "workspace." This is where SharkBase keeps track of all of the data files and variables being used, the program being executed, and other special settings.

The SET File

Sharkbase always runs under DOS, in what is left of the computer’s memory after DOS itself (and possibly some memory-resident programs and/or a network) are loaded. If total memoryis 640K, anywhere from 350K to 625K will be available to SharkBase. If not enough free memory is available, SharkBase will not load and run.

Sharkbase, however, allows high-memory to be limited to as little at 48K, and to allocate up to 32K for loading assembly~language modules assembled into binary files and executed from within SharkBase Professional.

The DOS memory looks like this when fully loaded:

A. Top of DOS memory

1. External high memory (used by RUN commend)

2. BIN file space if any {BINSPACE=}

3. Internal high memory (MEMORY=)

4. Data space (643)

5. SharkBase (298kb)

6. Memory—resident programs, if any (unload if necessary

7. Operating system (12-80K)

B. Bottom of DOS memory

The special files called SHARK.SET and SHARKN.SET for the single-user and network versions of Sharkfiase respectively provide control over levels 2 and 3 (see these commands in the Reference Guide), while the FIELDS= command affects the allocation of memory within level 4. (NOEFFECTS is used to suppress screen and sound effects, and has no effect on the environment).

What is the Environment?

Sharkfiase takes control of all memory in levels 2 through 6, an area generally termed the "environment." Much of the environment remains constant, but we are concerned primarily with the items that can change.

Therefore, you can think of the environment, in part, as all data files that are currently open (with their respective fields) and the tile numbers assigned to them. Changing the set of open data files produces a different environment.

For example, these data file actions serve to establish and change the environment:

1. Opening a data file (with the USE command).

2. Assigning a file number to a data tile (SELECT, USE).

3. Closing a data file (CLOSE, CLEAR).

4. Changing the structure of a data file (MODIFY).

5. Opening or closing index files (USE, SET INDEX).

(To see a "snapshot" of the environment, give the STATUS command. This displays information about the current state of open data files, SET switches, and memory variables.)

Memory variables, too, are part of the environment, and the environment is affected when you create a new memory variable (with =, STORE, et al; see "Variables" in the Topical Reference) or release an existing one (RELEASE, CLEAR). The data-type and contents of the individual memory variables are not significant to the environment; what is important is the order in which they are created.

Sharkbase keeps track of the data files and memory variables by creating reference tables in memory. These tables are described in more detail later in this section.

Finally, there are specitic environmental commands: the SET commands (SET TO) and SET switches (SET. . .ON/OFF). They are used in conversational mode, in programs, and in the configuration file SHARK.CNF to customize SharkBase. For explanations of the individual SET controls, refer to the Shark Commands section.

The Configuration File

The configuration CNF file is a program that, if present, is automatically executed when you start SharkBase from DOS.

SHARKCNF can contain most commands. Its primary purpose, however, is to configure SharkBase’s default settings to your computer and to your applications. Typical commands in the configuration file are the SET commands and switches, in particular, SET DEFAULT, SET MEMORY, and SET FIELDS; values assigned to system variables and function keys, in particular, to :COl~/EANY; also, the structure FILES ENDFILES normally appears in this file.

A.3. SharkBase Memory Use

The table in Section A.2. illustrates how SharkBase uses memory (RAM) space: ShcrkBase itself utilizes about 200K of memory. To maximize speed, the EXE program is not overlayed so it all goes into memory at one time . . . an advantage of being kept "lean and mean".

Data Space

The following table illustrates the use of the 64K of data space reserved by SharkBase:

DOS work space (for Read buffers)
Data file table {Fields Table}
Work space (about 25K)

Program area
Data Records (date file buffer)
DOS staok
Internal data epace (fixed)

Data File Table

The data file table tracks all open data files. It includes an entry for each field of each data file in use, describing the field, and a pointer (a number indicating location in memory) to the data file buffer for the contents of the field.

Any time a data file is opened, a memory area, called a buffer, is set up for it, the size of one record. The size of the data file table is 320 fields, unless changed in the SET file by a FILES= command in SharkBase. For instance, the commands:

USE employee
USE#2 supplier
USE#3 invntory

set up a data file table like this:

  employee supplier  invntory  unused

Now if you close supplier:


the table becomes:

  employee  unused   invntory  unused

When the next file is opened, is goes into the vacant space if it has 17 or fewer fields, otherwise it goes after INVNTORY:

l>USE#2 order

yielding either

  employee  order   invntory  unused


  employee  unused   invntory   order   unused

Care must be taken to avoid creating too many "holes." As a suggestion, assign all files that never close to the lower file numbers (1, 2, 3, ). Then use the succeeding file numbers to put the transient files into use, in the order of their size (in fields), with the largest ones first.

If you run into an error message indicating that you’ve run out of space, then CLOSE ALL data files, and put the needed files into use again. This caution is necessary if you open and close data files more than once in a program, if you use commands that create files (COPY TO, TOTAL, SORT) or if you use commands that temporarily open data files (POST, APPEND FROM).

Data Records

An index file uses a buffer of about 256 bytes. Each relation established with SET RELATION, each filter set with SET FILTER, and each limit set with LIMIT or SCOPE commands, takes 128 bytes.

Program Space

Programs load and compile in this space. Certain other commands affect the amount of memory actually available for programs. The REPORT command needs about 5K, so programs that use REPORT must be 18K maximum. The number of bytes available in the program space is given by the SPACE() function and also by the STATUS command.

The Internal Data Space

The internal data space reserves all the memory Sharkflase needs for internal variables, stacks, and so on. The size of the internal Sharkflase data space is fixed by SharkBase; it may change from version to version. Since programs compile right on top of this space, all user programs may have to be recompiled whenever a new version of SharkBase is used.

The internal data space contains a number of important tables.

The Memory Variable Table

This table has 128 entries. It describes all the memory variables in use. For each variable, it contains a pointer (a number indicating location in memory) to the contents of the variable. The contents could be in the compiled text (some strings), in the memory variable storage table, or (for matrix variables) in high memory.

The Memory Variable Storage Table

This contains the contents of those memory variables not in the compiled text or stored as matrices in high memory. It is 4K in size.


Used during compilation and program execution, stacks are internal tables that keep track of the nesting structures IF and DO WHILE and DO commands. Various stacks are utilized by SharkBase. If too many levels of nesting are used, and one of these stacks runs out of room, an error message is issued.

Internal High Memory

The use of Internal High Memory is illustrated in the following table:

                 {External high memory)
       High—end of internal high memory
Matrix variables
Index buffers (16K—64K)
FILES table
screens 2, 3, 4 (4K each)
Temporary storage
Command lines
        Low~end of internal high memory
                           (Data space)

SharkBase uses 128K of high memory as internal high memory (unless MEMORY= is used in the SET file; see "External High Memory", below)

800 bytes are reserved for command line storage. Index buffers take a minimum of 10K; ordinarily, they take half of internal high memory, to a maximum of 64K.

The FILES table is created from the FILES ENDFILES structure.

Each matrix variable may occupy up to 64K of memory. There can be at most 20 matrix variables in use at one time.

The STATUS command displays the number of bytes left in high memory.

External High Memory

External high memory is essentially whatever is left over after SharkBase takes the amount it needs plus as much internal high memory and BINSPACE is requested or available, whichever is less. To maximize external high memory available to the RUN command, Sharkfiase users can reduce the amount of internal high memory requested; example MEMORY=64.

A.4. Modules and Environment

The SharkBase compiler treats each kind of module (stored command sequence) differently. The differences lie in the way each module type interacts with the environment.


A procedure is defined in a PROCEDURE ...ENDPROCEDURE structure, and caned (executed) by the PERFORM command A procedure is compiled only once, the first tine it is called. This means that if the procedure is 'sensitive. to the environment - that is, if it refers to data files, fields, or memory variables - then it can only be called into the same environment as when it was compiled. If the environment changes - i.e. if the data file numbers are reassigned or memory variables released — then the prceedure must not be affected by these changes, it must not refer to the changed part of the data file table or memory variable table.


A subroutine is a command sequence stored in a separate program. It isn't compiled as a separate file, but rather as part of the main program that calls it with the DO command. (See, however, the section "Compiling Multiple Subroutines") In code terms, the compiled subroutine becomes a part of the compiled main program; in execution, it becomes an overlay. This means that when the execution reaches the subroutine, the main program is exited; its status at this point recorded. The compiled subroutine is brought in; it overwrites (overlays) the main program. When the subroutine is exited, and the main program is brought back, its status recovered, and emcution continues. Unlike a procedure, a subroutine is compiled each time is called. If there are five DO commands that call single subroutine, then the subroutine is compiled five times - each time with the current environment - into the main program. To avoid unnecessary compilations of subroutines, place them in procedures. For instance, the subroutine SUMMING is used with two different environments 15 times in a program. Using DO SUMMING 15 times would result Ina compiled program that is far too large. Instead, define two procedures:

PROCEDURE summing1 
DO summing 
PROCEDURE summing2
DO summing 

Give the command PERFORM SUMMING in the first environment, and PERFORM SUMMING2 in the second environment. This will make the compiled program substantially smaller.

Chained Programs:

The simplest kind of module is a program. One program can be executed from within another using the CHAIN command. When this command is used, the environment is cleared and the new, chained program begins execution with a "clean slate." All data files to be used must be re-opened and memory variables redefined. Memory variables (but not matrices) can be passed between chained files by using the GLOBAL command; see GLOBAL in the Alphabetical Command Reference. A program called by CHAIN dces not return to the calling program. Any program may be chained to any other; a program may even be chained to itself (for example, in an ON ESCAPE structure, CHAIN can be used to re-start the current program).

A.5. The Compilation Process:

Some aspects of compilation have an impact on SharkBase programming. This section gives you an overview of the compilation process.

Steps Compiling the Program:

In compiling a program, SharkBase analyses the text of each command line, and rewrites it into a language that can call up SharkBase's own internal functions as they are needed.

SharkBase is a one-pass compiler. This means that SharkBase compiles the command lines one at time.

Steps of compilation:

1. The compiler replaces all memory variables by pointers to the memory variable table. At compile time, the type of the variable is not entered into the table, only the name and the order in which they are defined. This should he kept in mind when using the commands; RELEASE, CLEAR, RESTORE FROM, GLOBAL, CHAIN, and DO. Note that all memory variable files (MEM files, created with SAVE TO) have to be present at compilation when a RESTORE command is used.

2. The compiler replaces all fields by pointers to the data file table. In the data file table, there are pointers to the data file buffer for the current contents of the fields. This should be kept in mind when using the commands USE, SELECT, and CLOSE. For instance,


cannot be compiled unless the CUST file is present. Of course, CUST need not have any records - just a structure. See also "Compiling and Data Files" later in this Appendix for alternate ways to refer to data files.

3. The commands are rewritten into SharkBase's own internal language. The internal commands mostly call functions in SharkBase. When a macro is encountered, the command verb is coded, and the compilation of the line is put off until execution time. Pointers are placed in compiled command lines to indicate the beginning or end of a control struclure, or of some part of the control structure. For instance. each CASE includes a pointer to the line containing the next CASE; each ENDREPEAT includes a pointer to the REPEAT command that begins the structure. More specifically, when SharkBase encounters the command

IF cond

where cond is a logical expression, it puts the location of the compiled line on the IF stack. When ENDIF is encountered, this location is pulled off the IF stack and the location after ENDIF placed into the IF line. So if cond is false at execution time SharkBase knows where to jump to go beyond the command sequence it does not have to execute. This is what is known as forward referencing


Forward referencing contributes significantly to SharkBase's speed advantages over other database languages.

Forward Referencing in Action

Here's an example of how speedy forward referencing makes SharkBase compared to dBase or Clipper. Consider the following program:

STORE 0 to count 
STORE 1 to a 
DO WILE count <500 
******************* 1
CAS 1=2
STORE A to dummy
STORE A to dummy
STORE A to dummy
* each CASE consists of above STORE line 50 timee 
****************** 2
* total of 5 cases, all false 
* all with same line 50 times.
CASE 1=2 
STORE a TO dummy
STORE A to dummy
STORE count+1 to count

This program,which would take 267 lines when all the repeated commands are typed out) does not do much. It repeats 500 times, using the DO WHILE ...ENDDO structure (rather than REPEAT... ENDREPEAT which is not a command of any of the known dBASE languages) and the DO CASE ... ENDDO structure. There are 5 CASES, each one with a false expression as a condition, so none is ever executed. Each CASE is 50 lines long; since the lines never get executed it does not matter what they contain. The SharkBase version was compiled first and the CPL file was run, beating the fastest dBASE version by 100 to 1. Forward referencing clearly provides a significant improvement in processing speed. And, although this program is for testing purposes only, its structure is very similar to many business programs. For instance, a payroll program with 5 different types of employees would have this type of structure.

5. Procedures are compiled wherever they are first performed.

6. Subroutines are compiled into the main program with each calling DO command: a subroutine called three times is compiled three times.

A.6. Compiling and Data Files

Several aspects of using data file references within SharkBase programs require special attention. These are covered in the following few sections.

Conditionally Opening and Closing Data Files

SharkBase compiles all command lines whether or not the conditions controlling their execution are true (that is, whether or not they are ever executed when the program is run). At compile time. SharkBase cannot know the status of all conditions, since conditions may be decided by the user or the program while it is running - not in advance. This compilation process has implications that need to be considered when opening and closing data files in conditional structures. Take a simple example of two data files, T1 contains the field VAR1 and T2 contains VAR2. Now, say we try to use the following command sequence:

USE t2           ;t2 is Opened  
IF cond
  USE t1         ;t1 ie opened
  ? var1
  ? var2
T1 is still open

This command sequence, which would run perfectly under dBASE, fails to compile in SharkBase. Here's why:

When SharkBase compiles the IF structure, it does not know *Met coral will be true or false at execution time. So, when the next command line opens data file T1 (thereby closing T2) the SharkBase compiler performs this operation.

However, in the ELSE clause (which at execution is performed when the condition is false), the program looks for the field VAR2 (which is in the now closed data file T2) the result is a compiler error. Note also that if the ELSE clause didn't refer to T2, any command following this IF structure that expected T2 to be open would create such an error.

Because of the compiler's way carrying out commands, it is recommended that you open and select all data files at the beginning of a program, if possible. Limit the use of the commands USE, CLOSE, RELEASE, CLEAR, and RESTORE in conditional command structures.

If you must include commands such as USE in a DO CASE or IF structure, include one at the beginning of each case (including ELSE and OTHERWISE), and one after the END command:

IF <cond> 
USE <filename> 
<command sequence>
USE <filename>
<command sequence>
USE <filename>
. . .
USE <filename>
<command sequence>
USE <filename>
<command sequence>
USE <filename>
<command sequence>
USE <filename>

Note that such programs also run under dBASE. In fact this technique is good programming practice in either SharkBase or dBASE, since it makes data file choices more explicit.

Referencing Unknown Data Files

To open data files and use field references in a program, it's essential that the data files referred to be present at compile time. Data files must be available on the path specified (either with a FILES structure. with SET DEFAULT, or with USE <drive letter>: <filename>.

(Since index files are mot opened at compile time, they need not be present when compiling) If a data file used by a program is unavailable or unknown at compile-time, follow one of these suggestions:

1. If the name and structure are known, but the file doesn't exisk create an empty data file with the name and structure of the missing data file. Remember, the compiler doesn't read data - it only checks to make sure the proper fields are present for the commands to be executed.

2. If the name and structure of the data file are unknown (That is, if these will be supplied by the user at execution) open the data file with a macro in the USE command, and use macros in place of any field references within the program.

3. As an alternative to using macros in place of field references. you can make sure that each command line referring to a field in an unknown data file contains at least one macro. Including a macro defers compiling of a command line until execution, when the structure of the data file will be known.

4. If the structure is known. but the name is unknown (if it will be supplied by the user at execution), give a USE command with the COMPILE keyword. USE.. COMPILE lets you open a data file with an identical file structure for compile-time references. A second USE command containing a user-supplied file name in a macro, opens the desired file at run-time (i.e.. upon actual execution of the program).

The following two USE commands coeist peacefully within the same program, the first working at compile time, the second at execution.

USE#2 &filename

Here's how this sequence works: At compile time ...USE#2 inven COMPILE tells the compiler to open the data file INVEN.DBF as a surrogate for file#2. The structure of INVEN (field names, field types. etc.) is used wherever file#2 is required later to to be run in the program.

USE#2 &filename is only partially compiled (as are all commands with macros).

At execution ...USE#2 inven COMPILE is ignored.

USE#2 &filename is used, with the user supplying the filename for this data file. The file structure (field name, field types, etc.) of this file must be the same as that of inven.

This is useful when several people use the same program to access data files with the same structure, but different file names; for example, if several sales entry clerks have their own transaction files to which they enter orders.

Here is a program that uses macros to choose the correct file to work on at runtime:

USE customer compile     ;this could be any file name 
IF cond 
USE &mfile               ;the file you want at runtime is opened 

Commands That Close Data Files

Another set of commands to be careful with are those used to move data from one data file to another. These are APPEND FROM COPY, COPY STRUCTURE, POST, SORT, and TOTAL. They are alike in that the data file named in them is left closed once the command is executed.

Actually what happens is this: when SharkBase encounters one of these command, it looks for the named file. If the named file is open, it is first closed. Then it is opened as a temporary, internal data file. Once SharkBase finishes executing the command, the internal file is once again closed.

As a result, you must reopen any data file named by one of these commands if subsequent commands refer to fields in this named data file.

Here is a command sequence that uses a temporary data file (tempcust) to add customer records. When it finds there are no more additions to make, it appends the temporary data file to the main data file (customer):

USE#2 customer 				;Opens customer
USE tempcust 				;Opens tempcust
	DO WHILE T <command sequence> 	;Commands for record entry
	IF name ='    ' 		;Typical way of ending program 
		USE customer 
		APPEND FROM tempcust 	;Copies from tempcust to customer,
					;leaving tempcust closed 
		CLOSE 			;Closes customer
<command sequence> 			;These commands refer again to tempcust

The flaw in this command sequence should be clear from the above discussion. Since APPEND FROM names tempcust, this data file is closed and then reopened as a temporary, internal data file. As a result, subsequent references to a field in tempcust (in the command sequence following ENDIF) will cause compiling to cease with this error message:

"2. Variable not found."

This sequence is fixed by simply inserting the command "USE#1 tempcust COMPILE", as follows:

. . . 
USE#1 tempcust COMPILE 
<command sequence> 

Compiling and Data Files

All the commands listed above (APPEND FROM COPY, COPY STRUCTURE, POST, SORT —and TOTAL) have the same effect and require a USE ... COMPILE command as above if fields within the named file are referenced later in the program.

A.7. How SharkBase Reads a Command Line

In SharkBase, a command line is defined as the text from the beginning of a line up to a carriage return (indicating the end of the line) or a semicolon. A semicolon followed by a comment is ignored by the compiler; a semicolon followed by a carriage return (ENTER) indicates that the command line continues in the next line.

Analyzing a Command Line

The compiler analyzes the command line beginning with the first wont It checks the first word by taking the following steps and acts on the first case that applies:

Step 1. Is the first word a ? or ?? command? 
Step 2. Does the first word contain a command redirection (e.g., in USE42)? 
Step 3. If the first word is a number, then the line is rewritten as a GOTO command. 
Step 4. The first four letters of the first word are looked up in a table of command-verbs. 
Step 5. If the first word is followed by an equal sign (=) or an open square-bracket (I), the line is rewritten as a STORE or REPLACE command. (Note 
that step 5 overrides the decision made by step 4; see example below.) 
Step 6. If Steps 4 and 5 both fail, SharkBase displays an error massage. 
Step 7. The line is checked for a macro (if a macro is permitted for the command identified in Step 4). 
Step 8. SharkBase jumps to the compilation routine of the command found in Step 4. 
Step 9. If the first word is SET, Sharkaase checks whether it is a setting command (e.g., SET ALTERNATE TO, SET COLOR TO; these are separate commands) 
or a switch (e.g., SET ADD ON, SET BELL OFF; these are all different parameters of a single command). If no valid command or parameter is found, the line is ignored.

Analyzing Expressions

After it has determined the type of command contained in a command line (according to the above steps), SharkBase determines the contents of expressions contained in the command line.

Expressions are built up from variables and functions. Wherever SharkBase identifies an expression, it searches for the type of each element in the expression, in the following order:

1. Function 
2. Numeric constant 
3. String constant 
4. System variable 
5. Matrix variable 
6. Redirected field (e.g., titian) 
7. Field 
8. Memory variable 
9. Logical constant 

You can see that memory variables are low on the list. This means, for instance, if you give a memory variable the same name as a field, say, LNAME, then at every mention of that memory variable, SharkBase will reference the field LNAME. Avoid such confusion by giving memory variables names that won't be confused with SharkBase keywords, functions, or field names.

Examples of Command Line Analysis

Here are some examples of how SharkBase analyzes command lines and expressions, and some guidelines for avoiding confusion.


In this line, the first word is "EJECT". Since it is followed by "=", this line is interpreted as a STORE (notice that step 5, which calls for this interpretation, overrides step 4, which would have interpreted EJECT as a command). Next question: what is "T"? It is not a function, nor is it any of the other first six entries in the priority table above. If it is a field (priority 7) or memory variable (priority 8), EJECT is given the value contained in T. If it is neither, then "T" is interpreted as priority 9, a logical constant, true.

Therefore, this command line defines a variable EJECT whose content is the value of a field or variable, or the logical constant true.

IF eject

In this line, the first word is interpreted as a command (Step 4), and compiled as such (Step 8); EJECT, even though it is a SharkBase command verb, must in this context be a field or a memory variable, and there will be no confusion.

"Buried" Remarks

Many commands consist of a single word; they have no keywords (e.g., EJECT and ENDDO). Whatever appears on a line starting with one of these commands is disregarded by SharkBase. For instance, you can write an IF structure like this:

IF approved .AND. count<100 
<command sequence> 
ENDIF approved .AND. count<100

Here, the condition is repeated as a remark within the ENDIF command line to clarify which conditional structure is ended. This is a valid and useful remark; however, using ";" to separate remarks from commands is better practice:

ENDIF; approved count<100 

Miscellaneous Command Line Guidelines:

1. Since SharkBase checks only the first four letters of command verbs, SET PRINT, SET PRINTER, SET PFUNTERNOW are all the same.

2. Take care to write out in full those keywords that look alike when abbreviated. For instance, ENDD and ENDR are easily misread; such mistakes are difficult to find.

3. To sum up it is possible to use SharkBase keywords as variables and to place comments on command lines, if you are aware of all the above SharkBase conventions. However, to be on the safe side, avoid such practices.

A.8. Compiling Multiple Subroutines

In programs that call multiple subroutines, it is easy to get so bogged down in compiling the main (or "calling") program that your subroutines never get debugged. Imagine, for example, that you have a program MAIN.PRG, that calls 45 separate subroutines as follows:

DO subl <command sequence> 
DO aub2 <command sequence> • • • <command sequence> 
DO sub45 . . . 

Normally, when you compile main, SharkBase has to compile SUBLPRG, SUB2.PRG, and so on, up through SUB45.PRG. If you are trying to debug SUB45, this will slow you down considerably. The command SET DO takes care of this problem. With SET DO ON (the default) the compiler compiles all subroutines along with the calling program. With SET DO OFF, compiling main does not compile the subroutines. Instead, for each subroutine SharkBase creates an "environment file", with the name of the subroutine file and the extension ENV. For example, the "environment file for SUB45.PRG is SUB45.ENV. Once environment files exist, the subroutines can be individually compiled and debugged. SharkBase uses the environment files for the compilation of each subroutine. With SET DO OFF, you can still compile main so that the subroutines are compiled as overlays. To do so, use the LINK keyword in the COMPILE command:


Steps in Debugging Subroutines:

Here's an example of using SET DO OFF for debugging a subroutine.

1. Reset the DO switch:


2. Compile the main program: COMPILE main

3. Compile any other subroutines without which the subroutine can't be run, e.g.: COMPILE subl COMPILE cubit

4. Compile the subroutine you are debugging: COMPILE nub45

5. Run the main program: DO main Test whether SUB45 works properly. If it does not, edit SUB45.PRG, compile SUB45 again, then test it by executing MAIN.

A.9. Data-File Headers

On disk, a data file starts with a data-file header that describes the structure of the data file. SharkBase uses the data file headers to set up the data file table.

SharkBase supports four separate type of data files as follows:

Type 0 - An efficient file type not compatible with any early version of VP-Info and other database languages. Type 0 files can have up to 4 billion records and up to 500 fields.

Type 1- Compatible with VP-Info Type 1 files.) Type 1 files can have up to 65,535 records and up to 500 fields.

Type 2 - Compatible with dBASE II data files, and are limited to 65,535 records and 32 fields.

Type 3 - Compatible with dBASE III, dBASE III+ and dBASE IV data files, and is the most flexible dbf file type. Type 3 files can have up to up to 4 billion records and up to 500 fields in SharkBase, although dBASE III and dBASE III+ cannot read a data file with more than 120 fields, and dBASE IV cannot read a data file with more than 255 fields.

Type 0 and Type 3 are the most capable and powerful dbf data file types, suitable for the largest scientific/census-size research projects.

File types 1 and 2 can now be considered obsolete, since they are limited to about 65,000 records. Type 3 should be specified when you need to use the data in Clipper, FoxPro, dBASE III or dBASE IV; this type uses twice as much disk space for the file header as SharkBase's newer Type 0. Type 3 is the default. The data-file headers of all four types of SharkBase data files contain essentially the same data; the main difference is file size and import flexibility.

SharkBase is agnostic when it comes to reading and writing any known dbf data file. When writing a dbf file, Shark automatically saves correctly without any additional user input. When creating a dbf data file in Shark, the dbf file type is selected when the file is created and saved:

Save this file as Type 0, 1, 2 or 3 ... (select)

From then on, Shark automatically recogizes the original data type, and no further attention is needed. Mind you, some experimenting may be called for when importing data files from older or non-Shark systems!

Data File Header technical details:

Type 0 Data File Header:

Byte 0 File type indicator (CHR(0)) 
Bytes 1-4 Number of records in file 
Bytes 5-6 Location of first byte of first record 
Byte. 7-8 Length of each record Field 1: 
Bytes 9-19 Field name 
Byte 20 Type (C, B, or L) 
Byte 20 Width 
Bytes 22-23 Offset 
Byte 24 Decimal places 

Fields 2 and up: 
Add (<field number>-1)•16 to locations shown for Field 1. 
For example, add 16 to each byte in Field 1 for the location 
of the corresponding information for Field 2; thus, Field 2•9 name is found 
in bytes 25-35. A carriage return in the first byte of a location allocated for a 
field name indicates that the data file contains no more fields. 

First byte of first record is specified in Bytes 5-6.

Type 1 Data File Header:

Byte 0: File type indicator (CBR(1))
Bytes 1-2: Number of records in file 
Bytes 3-4: 
Byte 5: 
Bytes 6-7: 

Field 1: 

Bytes 8-18: Field name 
Byte 19: Type (C, N, or I.) 
Byte 20: Width 
Bytes 21-22: Offset 
Byte 23: Decimal places 

Fields 2 and up: 
Add (<field number>-1)*16 to locations shown for Field 1. For example, add 16 
to each byte in Field 1 for the location of the corresponding information for Field 2; 
thus, Field 2's name is found in bytes 24-34. A carriage return in the first byte 
of a location allocated for a field name indicates that the data file contains 
no more fields. 

First byte of first record: Byte specified in Bytes 3-4.

Type 2 Data File Header:

Byte 0 File type indicator (C1312(2)) 
Bytes 1-2 Number of records in file 
Bytes 3-5 Not used 
Bytes 6-7 Length of each record 

Field 1: 
8-18 Field name 
Byte 19 Type (C, N, or L) 
Byte 20 Width 
Bytes 21-22 Offset 
Byte 23 Decimal places 

Fields 2 to 32: Add (<field number<-1) 16 to locations shown for Field 1 (see Type 1 example). 

First byte of first record: Byte 521. 

Type 3 Data File Header:

Byte 0 File type indicator (CHR(3) or CHR(131)) 
Bytes 1-3 Not used 
Bytes 4-7 Number of records in file 
Bytes 8-9 Location of first byte of first record: Not used 
Bytes 10-11 Length of each record 
Bytes 12-31 Not used 
Bytes 32-42 Field name 
Byte 43 Type (C, N, L, D, M, or F) 
Byte 44-45 Offset 
Bytes 46-47 Not used 
Byte 48 Width 
Byte 49 Decimal places 
Bytes 50-63 Not used 
Fields 2 and up: 
Add (<field number>-1) 32 to locations shown for Field 1 (see Type 1 example).

First byte of first record: specified in Bytes 8-9. 

Some "dbf Trivia":

Note that older Type 3 data files as implemented in dBASE have two unnecessary field types not present in SharkBase. The "Date" type is treated as an ordinary character-type field by SharkBase, and the Float type introduced with dBASE IV is treated as an ordinary numeric field in Shark.

In all cases, numeric values are stored in a form that is best handled with SharkBase's CHR( and RANK( functions, or with CTONUM( and NUMTOC(. If the number is longer than one byte, the value in the first byte is ones, the values in the second are 256s, the values in the third are 65536s, and so on.

For example, if you find that the values of Bytes 1 and 2 of a Type 2 file are 38 and 2, you could calculate that the data file has 38 +(2*256), or 550 records. If you need to convert the number 550 into a two-character string in SharkBase, your result would be NUMTOC(2,550).